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Now is the Time

Photo by Whitney Alese. Used upon permission. 

This is a picture of me at my last book signing for my book, Sunshine and Daniel: Seeking Grace in Lost Motherhood. It looks so easy doesn’t it. Smiling at a handsome…

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What you can do in a year

In May 2008, I started something that I did not know would change my life forever. I'd heard that doing this would not bring me closer to God. They said doing this would only confuse me. Against that advice, I…

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You are My Friend

I often pray for our service men and women. They sacrifice limbs, organs, abilities, faculties and their lives for us. They risk it all for American liberty. The recent outrage over the dispute between a Gold Star family and a…

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Thinking ...

I've been thinking a lot lately. Thinking about things that are wrong with the world. Thinking about my next blog post. Thinking about updating my website. Thinking about how I can be a better wife, sister, mentor, friend, and employee…Read more